Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Breathe in slow
anxiety wants to grab hold tight
stopping the air mid-chest
my thoughts bouncing wild, furious
creating scenarios I can not truly foresee

hearing obliterated
balance compromised
facial nerve pain
anything that could possibly happen
could also possibly never happen

breathe in slow
I may not know
but I do know the One Who knows all

He has counted each hair on my head
numbered my days
and holds each moment in His hands

I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth  Psalm 121:1-2 Common English Bible

let it all go


  1. Praying for you, Karin. Do you know the Jesus prayer to use with that deep breathing? It helps me so much! Breathe in - Lord Jesus Christ; breathe out - Son of God; breathe in - have mercy on me; breathe out - a sinner. Silently, concentrating on breathing with eyes closed or open. It just slows down that anxious heartbeat and calms the monkey-mind. There is 'power, power, wonder-working power' in that name.

  2. Your surgery is the day before my birthday. Keep breathing, friend. Slow and sure. Breathing with you.

  3. Breathe was one of my words a couple of years ago. We underestimate its importance. For you know? Praying the very breath of God would sustain you in the days ahead. Slow and steady. Inhale and exhale.
